Thursday, November 19, 2009

Javascript Regular Expression to test the last character in string

Today my colleague Martin asked me to look over his shoulder at a small problem he was facing, he was building a Search function in his application but got stuck with certain input.

If the search string ended on a character like ")" or a space (and maybe other non-alphanumeric characters), the search function returned nothing, even though it should have some matches.

We decided that the easiest way to solve this would be to delete all the faulty characters from the end of the string. This had to be done in (Server-side) JavaScript.

I came up with the following function: (and check below for the updated version)

<script type="text/javascript">
function testString(input){
    var regex = /[a-zA-Z0-9]$/;
        var match = input;
    } else {
        var nomatch = input.substring(0,input.length-1);
        var match = testString(nomatch);
    return match;

What it does is the following:

  • We first define our regular expression
  • If this matches our input string, we will just return it
  • If it does not match our input string, we strip the last character off the string, and test it again.

This recursive test will continue as long as the regex is not macthed.

To test this functionality you can run the function like this:

document.write(testString("This is a string that end with some special chars & $ !!! ) "));
Which will output: "This is a string that end with some special chars".

Maybe someone enjoys this code, so I thought I'll share it :)

Update as my other colleague Marcus points out, there is a way more elegant way to implement this, making it so that is does not need to recurse. The updated code is below. Thanks Marcus :)

<script type="text/javascript">
function testString(input){
    while (!input.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]$/))  {
        input = input.substring(0, input.length-1);
    return input;

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Easy trees with Tree Behavior in CakePHP

This tutorial shows how to use the Tree Behaviour in CakePHP.

The only requirement is a working CakePHP application. You can refer to this post to help you get one.

Step 1: Create the table in your database

First we need to create a table to store our tree. To keep things a bit generic we create a simple table called 'Nodes'. There are various ways to extend this table with other functionality or data, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Run the following SQL code to create a table called Nodes:

CREATE TABLE `nodes` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `parent_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `lft` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `rght` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

The Tree Behaviour needs at least the fields parent_id, lft and rght, and they should all use type int().

Step 2: Create the model

To use table in the application we have to create the model. In this case the file will be app/models/node.php.


class Node extends AppModel {
    var $name = 'Node';
    var $actsAs = array('Tree');


The model Node is defined as any other model in CakePHP. With the line var $actsAs = array('Tree'); we tell CakePHP to use this model as a tree.

Step 3: Create the controller

The controllers task is to take care of handling the data (adding, showing, updating, deleting, and more). At first we will create a controller with 2 functions, one called 'index' to display the tree and the other called 'add' to add items to the tree. The controller will be app/controllers/nodes_controller.php.


class NodesController extends AppController {

    function index() {
        $nodelist = $this->Node->generatetreelist(null,null,null," - ");

    function add() {
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
        } else {
            $parents[0] = "[ No Parent ]";
            $nodelist = $this->Node->generatetreelist(null,null,null," - ");
            if($nodelist) {
                foreach ($nodelist as $key=>$value)
                    $parents[$key] = $value;


The index function is pretty straightforward, it uses the generatetreelist function to generate a formatted tree, and return it in an array.

The Add function is a bit more complex. It first checks if it received any data. If it did, it saves the data to the database and then redirects to the index again. If the add function did not receive any data, it will create the array needed to populate the 'Parent' select box in our Add screen (see below).

Step 4: Create the views

We now create 2 view files in the folder app/views/nodes/, which needs to be created first.

The file app/views/nodes/index.ctp is used to display the tree:


echo $html->link("Add Node",array('action'=>'add'));

echo "<ul>";
foreach($nodelist as $key=>$value){
    echo "<li>$value</li>";
echo "</ul>";


In the above code we first create a link to our 'add' functionality. After that we start a new Unordered list and fill it with the data from the tree.

For adding new items to the tree we will use the file app/views/nodes/add.ctp


echo $html->link('Back',array('action'=>'index'));

echo $form->create('Node');
echo $form->input('name',array('label'=>'Name'));
echo $form->input('parent_id',array('label'=>'Parent'));
echo $form->end('Add');


First there is a link back to the index. After that a new HTML Form of the type Node is create. It then add two fields, one for the Node name, the other to select the parent of the new node. The last function add the submit button with the text 'Add'.

You should now be able to show your tree, and add nodes to it. Actually you first need to add a node because there is nothing to display yet. In the next step we will add some more functionality to it, but this seems a good moment to check if it all works so far :) ...

Step 5: Adding more functionality

In this step we will add the posibility to edit and delete the nodes, as wel as move them up and down. We do this by adding some links to the Index page, add the edit view and add some functions to the controller.

First we update the file app/views/nodes/index.ctp so it looks like this:


echo $html->link("Add Node",array('action'=>'add'));

echo "<ul>";
foreach($nodelist as $key=>$value){
    $editurl = $html->link("Edit", array('action'=>'edit', $key));
    $upurl = $html->link("Up", array('action'=>'moveup', $key));
    $downurl = $html->link("Down", array('action'=>'movedown', $key));
    $deleteurl = $html->link("Delete", array('action'=>'delete', $key));
    echo "<li>[$editurl|$upurl|$downurl|$deleteurl] $value</li>";
echo "</ul>";


The part that loops trough the nodelist is changed here. We define 4 URL's for the needed actions, and put them all in front of the Node name, seperated by a pipeline character. This is not the most elegant solution, but it will get the job done.

Next we add a view for the edit functionality by creating the file app/views/nodes/edit.ctp:


echo $html->link('Back',array('action'=>'index'));

echo $form->create('Node');
echo $form->hidden('id');
echo $form->input('name');
echo $form->input('parent_id', array('selected'=>$this->data['Node']['parent_id']));
echo $form->end('Update');


This view is mostly the same as add.ctp. Two differences: the edit view needs a hidden field called 'id', and the parent_id selectbox has a 'selected' parameter, which selects the right parent when in Edit mode.

In the last step we add four functions (edit, delete, moveup, movedown) to the Controller, app/controllers/nodes_controller.php, so it will look like this:


class NodesController extends AppController {

    function index() {
        $nodelist = $this->Node->generatetreelist(null,null,null," - ");

    function add() {
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
        } else {
            $parents[0] = "[ No Parent ]";
            $nodelist = $this->Node->generatetreelist(null,null,null," - ");
                foreach ($nodelist as $key=>$value)
                    $parents[$key] = $value;

    function edit($id=null) {
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
                $this->Session->setFlash('Error saving Node.');
        } else {
            if($id==null) die("No ID received");
            $this->data = $this->Node->read(null, $id);
            $parents[0] = "[ No Parent ]";
            $nodelist = $this->Node->generatetreelist(null,null,null," - ");
                foreach ($nodelist as $key=>$value)
                    $parents[$key] = $value;

    function delete($id=null) {
            die("No ID received");
            $this->Session->setFlash('The Node could not be deleted.');

    function moveup($id=null) {
            die("No ID received");
            $this->Session->setFlash('The Node could not be moved up.');

    function movedown($id=null) {
            die("No ID received");
            $this->Session->setFlash('The Node could not be moved down.');


The first part of the edit function works much like the add function, it checks on received data and tries to save it. When there is no data received, it checks if there is a paramater called ID. If not it dies with an error message. If the parameter is given it fetches the node data, and gets the data needed to populate the 'Parent' select box, just like in the Add screen

The rest of the three functions are almost identical, and don't need any matching views as the code will redirect to the index page anyway. All these functions check if the parameter ID is passed, and dies with an error if not. If the parameter is given it selects the right node and runs the action.


This should be it, you should now have a tree created in CakePHP, with complete Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality (and even more)...

Good luck using this code, and please use the comments if you have any questions about it.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Variable in Android's strings.xml

Today I was wondering how to create a variable in strings.xml, a file used in Android application development.

It is actually very simple. :)

First define a string in the strings.xml file (usually res/values/strings.xml).

<string name="unread_messages">You have %d unread messages</string>

This string has a variable %d that will be replaced in the next step.

In the Java code the string is fetched with the getString method and the variable is replaced with the right content using Java's String formatter.

String message = String.format(getString(R.string.unread_messages), 10);

The output will be You have 10 unread messages... :)

Update: As Romain Guy points out in the comments it is even simpler, documented here:

String message = getString(R.string.unread_messages, 10);

Monday, August 3, 2009

Add more swap space to a running Linux system

Today I was trying to install Oracle XE to a Centos 5 installation using this guide. While installing the packages i noticed that the Oracle XE Database was unable to install. The error message was quite clear:

This system does not meet the minimum requirements for swap space.  Based on
the amount of physical memory available on the system, Oracle Database 10g
Express Edition requires 1024 MB of swap space. This system has 509 MB
of swap space.  Configure more swap space on the system and retry the installation.
error: %pre(oracle-xe-univ- scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error:   install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping oracle-xe-univ-
My solution was to adding some temporary swap space to this system, which is really easy to do:

Step 1. Create an empty file called /swapfile from about 600MB

root@bootux:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024000 count=600
600+0 records in
600+0 records out
614400000 bytes (614 MB) copied, 5.85153 seconds, 105 MB/
Step 2. Format the new file to make it a swap file
root@bootux:~# mkswap /swapfile
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 614395 kB
Step 3. Enable the new swapfile. Only the swapon command is needed, but with the free command you can clearly see the swap space is made available to the system.
root@bootux:~# free -m | grep Swap
Swap:          509          0        509
root@bootux:~# swapon /swapfile
root@bootux:~# free -m | grep Swap
Swap:         1095          0       1095
Installation can now continue :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Quick guide on setting up a CakePHP project

Read the updated version for CakePHP 1.3 here

Create the database

First we create a database called authcake. Rename it as needed, but be sure to change it in the examples below.

user@host:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 385
Server version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6 (Ubuntu)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> create database authcake;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

-> ON authcake.*
-> TO 'authcake'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 's3cr3t';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit

Download CakePHP

Next we download the latest CakePHP from The version used in this example is Stable and the file cake_1.2.3.8166.tar.gz is placed in the homedir.

Extract download

CakePHP will be installed in the ~/public_html/authcake directory, which is served using mod_userdir. The directory will be available at the URL http://yourhost/~username/authcake . Of course it is possible to install it to another location, but be sure to change the locations in the commands below accordingly.

Make sure mod_rewrite is working and that the AllowOverride property for ~/public_html is set to All.

user@host:~$ cd ~/public_html
user@host:~/public_html$ tar xvzf ~/cake_1.2.3.8166.tar.gz
.  SNAP  .
user@host:~/public_html$ mv cake_1.2.3.8166/ authcake
user@host:~/public_html$ cd authcake/

Configure Database

Rename the default database config and change the values to match those on your system.

user@host:~/public_html/authcake$ mv app/config/database.php.default app/config/database.php
user@host:~/public_html/authcake$ vi app/config/database.php

Update Configuration

Change the setting Security.salt in the core.php file

user@host:~/public_html/authcake$ vi app/config/core.php

Set Permissions

The tmp dir needs write permissions. Use chmod -R 777 only in development environments. In production environments the owner of the files need to be the user running the webserver.

user@host:~/public_html/authcake$ cd app/
user@host:~/public_html/authcake/app$ chmod -R 777 tmp/
user@host:~/public_html/authcake/app$ cd ..

The CakePHP installation should now ready and available.

The result in the browser should look like this:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Easily create a RAM-disk in Linux

This command creates a 2GB RAM-disk and mounts it to /tmp/space.
$ mkdir /tmp/space
$ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp/space -o size=2G,nr_inodes=200k,mode=01777
You should now have an extra 2GB storage device.
 $ df -h | grep space
$ tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /tmp/space
You access the temporarily device by it's mountpoint /tmp/space. Needless to say, once you unmount this volume (for instance, with a reboot), the data on it will be gone. Use with care! :) Tested on Ubuntu, should work with any 2.4 or 2.6 kernel...